Inside an Abandoned Farmhouse with Marijuana Growing Room: Union City, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Michigan has a slew of 'Union' communities:
Union, Union Church, Union City, Union Corners, Union District, Union Home, Union Lake, Union Pier, and two Unionvilles.....but the one we're interested in this time is Union City in Branch County. Its genesis goes as far back as 1826 when it was surveyed by Robert Clark..
This is not a history of Union City – rather, just a wraparound for the gallery we present below. Photos of the inside and outside of an old abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of town along M-60.

Farmhouses are one of my favorite abandoned subjects. They are usually over one hundred years old and hold different architectural aspects from other homes that lie within the city limits. This particular farmhouse has the common one-story two-story structure and a small barn-like shed in back. The front porch is dilapidated and the inside is what you'd expect, except without much graffiti or vandalism...just decay and rotting.
There is one surprise here that was not expected: the discovery of decayed marijuana plants and a number of growing pots. It appears our farm friend who once lived here was growing and harvesting his own cannabis. A few rooms feature strewn marijuana plants, tipped over, dried, and rotted along with turned-over pots. While some of the stems look like they've been picked clean, there are other plants still clinging on to the decayed leaves. Whoever this farmer was, he was also proud of the fact that his son was a member of the United States Marine Corps, as depicted on his walls.
Take a look at the photos below...there is also a vintage 60s TV set, a cool old chandelier, and a look at the old house in different years.
Abandoned Farmhouse with Marijuana, Union City
Abandoned Farmhouse In Howell
Abandoned Farmhouse in Flanders
Abandoned Farmhouse (with Boat), Southern Michigan