Young Michigan Fan Breaks Hearts With Video To J.J. McCarthy
Every kid has a hero. It could be a parent, teacher, family member, literal super hero, or in the case of Jack , your favorite sports star.
And for Jack Wielhouwer of Ada, his favorite athlete is University of Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy.
He's not the only fan of McCarthy. In fact, at a recent parade to honor the national championship winning team, fans shouted for him to stick around another year after rumors started to swirl that he may make a step towards the big leagues.
Just like everyone else who was shouting for McCarthy to stick around, Jack was heartbroken to find out that his favorite player had made the decision to go into the NFL draft for next season. This means Jack would have to say goodbye to his hero on the team.
This little wolverine fan was expressing some big feelings when his Dad, Jake, grabbed his camera and offered to record a message to send to J.J. McCarthy. With tears still in his eyes, Jack recorded this video:
Jack's big feelings made a big impact on social media, and his message went viral enough to reach his favorite Quarterback, who left a comment on the post
While jack isn't the first (or the last) to express their anguish at J.J. McCarthy leaving the Wolverines after this incredible season, it's good to know he cares about his fans. Here's hoping wherever he lands next will be as great as he is.