Michigan’s NPS is Begging You To Stop Leaving Your Underwear Behind
We here in Michigan should consider ourselves pretty lucky because we have some of the most beautiful national parks in the midwest, if not the country.
And one of the most picturesque places you can visit in the mitten is Pictured Rocks
The breathtaking views and clear water make it feel like you're visiting a far away destination and not just down the road in the same state you're from. And maybe, you catch yourself deciding to take a dip to really take in the beauty.
There's only one thing that The National Park Service is asking of you when you visit... and that's not to litter. And sadly, they aren't talking about just cans and trash. They're talking about leaving your clothes behind, too.
The National Park Service says visitors frequently leave various articles of clothing behind at Pictured Rocks after enjoying their time in the water. They shared a photo to social media earlier this week with some abandoned items including someone's underwear.
And before you panic- no, no one is missing here. This is such a common occurrence on public lands, that officials say they aren't alarmed about finding them, they just wish people would clean up after themselves.
So here's your friendly reminder from the National Park Service as well as the people who may come right after to visit you at some of Michigan's most beautiful parks- Leave no trace. That includes your weird gross underpants. (Also, I just wanna know how you drove home without them...)