How To Avoid Paying More For Your Consumers Energy Bill
Starting on October 1st, Consumer Energy users might see their bills go up.

The prices are not going up, but they're will be a new charge for some users.
If you want to avoid this bill increase you have to make some changes to your account.
Consumers Energy Is Getting Rid of Auto Payments For Bills
Consumer Energy is moving away from auto payments on Credit and Debt Cards for customers starting on October 1st.
Consumers Energy customers can still continue using credit cards or debit cards but will face a $2.99 processing fee each month.
Why Did Consumers Energy End Autopay For Credit and Debt Cards?
Consumers Energy spokesperson Joshua Paciorek said the decision to end autopay for credit and debit cards was made in part to save customers money:
"Consumers Energy always works to keep bills fair for the Michigan homes and businesses we serve. Like many companies, we are encouraging customers to use payment methods that don’t incur fees – those fees ultimately are passed on to all customers. This step is one more we’re taking to help reduce the cost of energy for all customers. More than two-thirds of all energy providers take this approach, as do businesses of all types. Ultimately, this is
good for all customers as we strive to keep bills low."
You can read more about it at Consumers Energy Website.