For music lovers, there are few things more romantic than someone making you a playlist, or in this case a mixtape. And if your name is Joe and you made a Valentine's Day mixtape for your girlfriend in 1990, you are an especially romantic man.

The making of this mixtape is an exceptionally considerate gift. the contents of this cassette, however, are questionable at best. Reddit user depressedchiakikin found this mixtape in a Grand Rapids thrift store and the song and artist choice are all over the place.

The mixtape features a personal note from Joe to his girlfriend, whom he lives and misses.
The mixtape features a personal note from Joe to his girlfriend, whom he loves and misses.

At first glance, Sides A and B of this cassette tell two very different stories and the titles of each leave much to the imagination. Not to bash our pal Joe too hard, but there are a couple of observations to be made: Firstly, Joe would have really benefited from some spellcheck for "Weird" Al Yankovic. "Wierd" Al Yankovich is a truly valiant effort (plus, you know you're in for a rollercoaster when you start a Valentine's Day mixtape with Weird Al).

Secondly, he commits a cardinal sin by not only repeating artists back to back but also his heavy feature of Kenny G is something to behold. I can almost guarantee in no other mixtape in history will you hear Anthrax, Aerosmith, and Kenny G unironically on the same tape.

The mixtape features song from Weird Al Yakonvic to Kenny G, from Reddit.
The mixtape features song from Weird Al Yakonvic to Kenny G, from Reddit.

It's fun to think about the thought that went into each song choice. Was Joe's girlfriend that bad of a driver? What did the two get up to in Joe's Garage? Or more importantly, in an elevator? We can only hope that Joe learned what love was, and that this mixtape wasn't found in a thrift store clearance bin because he was dumped after delivering it. If you want to give this mixtape a shot, it has been made into a Spotify playlist for your listening pleasure. Let us know what you think!

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