The list of items that are illegal to throw in the trash in Michigan is kind of surprising.

Many of us may not realize that it's not just local garbage companies making up the rules about what they can and cannot take to landfills.  Michigan has laws in place to help protect the environment and conserve dwindling space in landfills according to,

Section 11514 of Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA), and its rules prohibit specific materials from being disposed of in a non-hazardous solid waste landfill.

You Aren't Allowed To Throw These 5 Things Away in Michigan


Don't throw away Beverage Containers in Michigan
There are two ways to recycle your cans and bottles in Michigan.
  • #1 If the beverage container has a deposit return, you can take it to any retailer selling it and get your deposit.
  • #2 Otherwise, click here to check out the recycling directory provided by
Michigan landfills do not accept beverage containers.

Don't throw away lead batteries in Michigan
You can not simply drop an old car battery in your trash can. Since Michigan landfills will not accept them, you can take your old car batteries to most auto repair shops or find other recycling options by clicking here.


Don't throw away old tires in Michigan
According to,
A landfill may accept tires for disposal if they are cut in half or otherwise processed by shredding, cutting, or chipping.
However, the state of Michigan says that your old tires should be recycled where possible. So, don't toss them in the garbage.
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Don't throw away yard clippings in Michigan
This item really depends on your local landfills. However, Michigan.Gov has this to say about your yard clippings,
Yard clippings such as grass, leaves, sticks, and landscape trimmings should be composted on-site or taken to a composting facility.


Don't throw away empty drums in Michigan
Most Michigan landfills will accept drums full of solid waste. Landfills will even accept crushed drums. However, you can not drop whole, empty drums in a Michigan landfill. There are special drum recyclers that will take your empty drums.

I think the most surprising item on the list is grass clippings.  I have to assume that it is on the list of prohibited items to conserve landfill space.  Otherwise, why?  I understand why tires would be on the list.  However, why on Earth is it okay to bring in a tire cut in half?  Very confusing.  See a full list of prohibited items by clicking here.

Is it illegal to serenade someone in Michigan?  Check out some of these crazy Michigan laws.

Dumbest Laws In Michigan

Michigan still has some of the dumbest laws on the books

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