A few weeks ago I was asking exactly what a NO PARKING sign outside of my house meant..

Well the Grand Rapids Police sent out a press release that answers all of the questions.

This sign:


is pretty much the worst kind... mainly because it's on the side of the street I park on. But this sign means that from November 1st through April 1st you are not allowed to park on this side of the street. No exceptions.

This Sign:

Rob Sparks/Townsquare Media
Rob Sparks/Townsquare Media

means on even numbered days, you're need to park on the side of the street with even numbered addresses from 1 a.m. to 6 p.m.  If you park on the odd side of the street, you'll be ticketed. On odd numbered days, you'll need to park on the side of the street with the odd numbered addresses. Each night from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. parking IS ALLOWED on either side of the street, unless there's another parking restriction sign.

Sometimes if a street is really narrow, they'll restrict parking all together. These seasonal parking restrictions allow for plow to clear at least one lane down each street for emergencies and general movement.

I have a feeling I'll be supporting the plow efforts this year with tickets. I can barely remember when trash day is... and it's Friday every week. Changing dates and me being charmingly dumb, is not going to go well.


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