Gilda’s LaughFest is Looking for Volunteers
Want to put a bit of laughter in your life, and have a ton of fun at the same time? How about volunteering for Gilda's LaughFest.
If you're interested in volunteering during Gilda’s LaughFest, it's easy. You can sign up at laughfestgr.org. LaughFest officials will hold two informational meetings to learn about volunteer opportunities during this year’s 10-day festival of laughter. LaughFest will be held in Grand Rapids, Lowell, and Holland March 6 through March 16, 2014. Opportunities to help include event promotion, logistics, ushering, selling merchandise, retail, office support and volunteer staffing needs during all LaughFest ticketed and non-ticketed events.
There will be two Volunteer Info Open House events, one Saturday, Dec. 14 at 10:30 a.m. and the other on Tuesday, Dec. 17at 6:30 p.m. Both will be held at Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids, 1806 Bridge St. NW, Grand Rapids, Mich.
A festival orientation kickoff is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 30 from 6:30-8:00 at Steelcase Town Hall on 44th Street, Grand Rapids, for individuals who sign up to become LaughFest volunteers.
LaughFest headliners announced to-date include: Jay Leno, Lily Tomlin, Chris Tucker, Jim Gaffigan, Sinbad, and Mike Birbiglia. Other acts announced include: Maria Bamford, River City Improv, Miranda Sings with special guest Colleen Ballinger, The Tenderloins, and comedy trio Todd Barry, Rory Scovel and Nick Thune. Showcases and competitions returning to this year’s LaughFest include: Best of the Midwest underwritten by Wolverine Worldwide, Gun Lake Casino Presents National Stand-up Comedy Competition, Bissell Presents Clean Comedy Showcase, and the Bud Light Presents Blue and Late Night Comedy Series featuring Judah Friedlander and Jen Kirkman. The Meijer Presents the Family Friendly Series includes: kid’s rock band Milkshake, Super Saturday Kids Zone and Saturday Nite Teen Zone. Additionally, LaughFest’s Best, which features performances by surprise guests, returns to the Pyramid Scheme this year
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