Grand Rapids Fire Department Will Install Smoke Alarms for You for Free
Smoke alarms save lives, and the Grand Rapids Fire Department really wants you to be safe. So they will come to your home and install smoke alarms for you for FREE! That's how easy it is to make your home safer.
A few years ago, GRFD began installing alarms in homes for free. Don't worry, they're not there to inspect or punish you for not having them. They will assess your home, and determine how many alarms you need, and install them.
They will also give you tips on problem areas in your home, so you can make your home safer.
That's it!
Call the Residential Safety Program at 311, or 456-3000, answer a few super easy questions, and you'll have a fire truck show up in your neighborhood to install smoke alarms for the safety of you and your family! Here's what they will do:
- Free in home fire safety assessments
- Free smoke alarm upgrades and installations
- One-on-one fire safety consultations specific to the residence
- A connection with their partners to assist with fire safety issues
And the kids will LOVE to have a fire truck come to their house, too!
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