Spectrum Health Healthier Communities, Priority Health, Families Against Narcotics Grand Rapids Chapter and Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services are teaming up to collect unused and unwanted prescription drugs.

This Saturday, October 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. bring all your out-dated, unused and unwanted prescription drugs to the Healthier Communities, in the Widdicomb Building, 665 Seward Ave. NW, Grand Rapids.

This free and anonymous public service is part of the 16th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

The Grand Rapids Police Department will oversee the drug collection and ensure the drugs collected are disposed of in an appropriate manner. The DEA says not to flush medications down the toilet or throw them in the trash because those methods of disposal pose potential safety and health hazards.

Locations sponsored or co-sponsored by Spectrum Health are listed below. Unless otherwise indicated, the drop-off site will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. October 27:

• Spectrum Health Healthier Communities, 665 Seward Ave. NW, Grand Rapids
• Muskegon City Fire Department, 770 Terrace St., Muskegon (9 a.m.-1 p.m.)
• Zeeland Community Hospital, 8333 Felch St., Zeeland (4-6 p.m. October 26)

During the last National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, 5,842 sites across the country collected a total of 474 tons of prescription drugs and medical supplies, including 23,115 pounds in Michigan.

For more information about the event or the disposal of prescription drugs near you, visit the DEA website.

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