Experience an Audio Overload!
If you are into music, I have discovered a gold mine for you to check out.
Over the years, we have all listened to music on various formats -- vinyl records and 45s, 8-track tapes, cassettes, and DVD's. In the last few years, vinyl records have made a comeback and people are dusting off their turntables, or going out and buying a new one.
So where to do you go to buy some of your favorite music? Here in West Michigan we have a gold mine called The Corner Record Shop. It is located at 3562 Chicago Drive, SW in Grandville.
I have over 1,000 vinyl albums at home and I still have a working turntable. I stopped at The Corner Record Shop over the weekend and experienced an audio overload!
When you first walk in the door, you enter a huge space with bin after bin of vinyl albums. Just walking around this room and checking out the different genres of music and artists could take you hours, but wait -- there's more!
From there you walk through another door only to find an even bigger room with so much more audio. You will find everything from the old Victrola records our grandparents used to listen to, vinyl records, 8-tracks, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, and even video laser discs.
I spent quite a bit of time just walking down the aisles and looking at the bins and seeing all the albums that I once listened to on an almost daily basis on my turntable. Then I turned my attention to finding the obscure albums that I knew were produced. To my surprise, The Corner Record Shop had most of everything I was looking for.
It was like a stroll through time just looking at all the audio and the different formats.
Once I had skimmed through the merchandise in the second room, I wandered into yet another room that featured nothing but bin after bin of 45 rpm records! Many of our first experiences listening to music included a little portable record player and a handful of old 45s.
Do you have an old turntable that needs repairs? They service turntables and specialize in turntables from the 1960’s and on. If you need speakers or professional audio equipment repaired, contact The Circuit Shop, located conveniently in the same building -- just head upstairs!
This was such a cool stop for me. I will definitely be back, to reminisce the past, search out the obscure, and purchase some of my favorites on a variety of different formats.
Thanks to The Corner Record Store for being such a cool place, located right here in West Michigan.
You can get more information about The Corner Record Store on their website, or on their Facebook page.
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