When Is It Considered Bad Luck to Put Up Your Christmas Tree?
When the Christmas season rolls around, you likely begin to think about when you will start busting out all of our holiday attire and decorations to maximize the enjoyment of the season.
But the timing of that decision might be more important than you think.
Did you know that setting up your Christmas tree too early is actually considered bad luck?

Glasgow Live says an understanding of the season and access to a calendar will help you avoid a potential holiday faux pas this year and in the years ahead.
Some say that any Christmas decorating done before December first could bring misfortune to your home, while some religions actually promote a tradition of the 12 days of Christmas, or in extreme cases, waiting to put up your Christmas until Christmas Eve.
A much more reasonable approach seems to be tied into Advent (which translates to 'coming' in Latin). The Advent season begins four Sundays prior to Christmas Day.
That will allow you to tie in your decorating with Advent while giving Thanksgiving its just due as well.
The bad luck thing also applies to how long you display your tree after Christmas has come and gone.
In a lot of places, January 5 is observed as the last day of Christmas festivities - the eve of the Epiphany. That's the day that it's believed you should release the 'tree-spirits' in the greenery – like holly and ivy – back into their natural environment outside.
It's believed that if that custom wasn’t followed, vegetation at that home would not grow.