Breakfast With Santa? Your Kids Will Love it!
How would your kids like to have breakfast with Santa Clause?
After all, with Santa coming to their house to leave some presents Christmas Eve, wouldn't it be a good idea if they could have breakfast with the jolly old elf before the big event? Of course!
Mom's and Dad's and all the little ones have a chance to have an exclusive holiday breakfast in the Grand Rapids Public Museum, on Saturday, December 3, and who do you think will be there? Santa!
In addition to breakfast, the kids will meet Santa and Mrs. Claus and take home a printed picture with them, go on an elf hunt, see Let it Snow - the Museum's holiday themed planetarium show, and visit the Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown! exhibit.WOW, what a great time.
Oh, and the breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, pastries, coffee and juice. I'm there!
Tickets are on sale now! Breakfast with Santa will have two sessions one at 8:30 a.m. and again at 10 a.m.
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