Okay, all of us here are dog lovers; in fact, my wife and I consider our two dogs our "children."  That said, even I think this is overboard.

Two dog owners threw a "wedding" for their dogs.  The bride "Scruffy" and the groom "Snickers" were married in a ceremony that probably cost more than some very bare-bones (no pun intended) weddings for people.

This wedding took place at a country club in front of 100 friends and family members.  There was a live band.  There was a wedding cake, an open bar, reception and a "priest" to perform the ceremony.

It cost over $5,000.

About the only thing I do think is reasonable about this is, the "families" asked for donations to benefit an orphan pet program.

Once the ceremony was done, the new bride and groom chased each other and snacked on treats while their guests danced and enjoyed the reception.

Now, if this was truly done to raise money for a charity, I think it's a unique idea to draw attention to the cause, instead of having some stuffy "dinner and drinks" thing.  But, based on the the relatively lavish dress for the "bride" and other expense, it seems like just two nutty owners with way too much money!

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