5th Annual Andy Rent River Golf Classic Tons of Fun for a Wonderful Cause
Monday, July 17 is D-Day for a fabulous golf outing. Our 5th Annual Andy Rent River Golf Classic, benefiting CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates, who become the voice for abused and neglected children in the Kent County Foster Care System.
Every year we have tons of fun in this 4-person scramble, and golfers leave with some wonderful prizes. This year, we're playing Stonewater Country Club,
part of the Watermark group. Golfers get 18-holes with cart, a BBQ lunch, gifts for all, door/raffle prizes, and compete for longest drive, closet to the pin, both men and women, and there will be other fun contests as well. The winning foursome will get a golf trip for four to a top Michigan resort.
The cost is so small, only $75 per golfer for a fabulous day of fun. You can buy mulligans, putting string, tickets for the 50/50 raffle, and more. But, that's not all. Every golfer gets a FREE ROUND OF GOLF at any of the Watermark properites!
It's beginning to fill up so you better get signed up soon. We make it easy, too. JUST CLICK HERE, and you can sign up and pay right online.
Don't miss the fun, and your chance to support CASA at the same time, Monday, July 17, at Stonewater Country Club!
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