Forest Hills Shifting Middle and High SChools to Hybrid Leaning
Students who attend Forest Hills Middle and High Schools are going to spend the next couple of weeks doing “hybrid learning” to help keep the schools open to in-person learning, WOOD TV8 reports.
Forest Hills Public Schools told WOOD TV8 that they made have been working with the Kent County Health Department and the recommendation was to lower the number of students in those building each day as Michigan and communities in West Michigan has recently seen numbers of COVID-19 cases increasing. They say the decision was a precaution to keep number low, as they are now, within the district.
WOOD TV8 says that the two schools will do hybrid learning starting Monday and will continue through Thanksgiving. They say that the health department didn’t recommend they do the same for the elementary schools, so they will continue as they have been. Details on the hybrid learning models are forthcoming from the middle and high school principals, according to WOOD TV8. School officials also said everyone teachers, students, and parents should be prepared for full virtual learning in the coming weeks that becomes necessary. Their hope is the hybrid model will keep that from being a thing.