How was your summer vacation. Now that summer vacation season is behind us, what did you do?

Most Americans didn't take a summer vacation this year. Only a third of the respondents in a new Rasmussen Reports poll say they took some R-and-R over the past three months, while 65-percent didn't take time away for themselves. By comparison, 37-percent went on vacation in 2009 and 41-percent got away last year. Just over half of those who did take vacations in the previous two years but not in 2011 admit it was for financial reasons. But 47-percent say the economy had nothing to do with why they didn't take a summer vacation this year. Meanwhile, the summer of 2011 left a less than favorable impression on the majority of Americans.


While 39-percent say they would rate this past summer as "good or excellent," and three-percent are calling it "the best ever," 32-percent are only giving it a "fair" grade, and 23-percent would rate it "poor."


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