Most of us here at The River are dog lovers.  Like any workplace, some are dog people and others are cat people ... and some are more well-versed than others in dog behavior.

We got into a discussion about things like allowing your dog on the bed or reasons why some dogs cower around people.  Of those two, I was mis-informed about letting the dog up on the bed.  Apparently, it's okay to do!

Here are just a few "dog behavior myths" that I uncovered and what I talked about on the air earlier today.  For a LONG list of myths, click this link to and read them!

An old dog can't learn new tricks. FALSE!  So long as a dog is mentally able to comprehend and you properly motivate them, they will learn regardless of their age.

A dog shouldn't sleep with you or be allowed on the furniture because they will think they're "boss." FALSE!  (I had this one WRONG!)  Apparently, dogs are just looking for a good place to get comfortable.  There are some exceptions, but for the average dog, sleeping in bed or resting on the couch has no adverse behavioral effects.

A dog who cowers from people was abused in the past. FALSE!  Speaking from experience with Chester, our "youngest," I can say this one is definitely false.  Chester has never been abused or treated poorly, yet he totally freaks out at new people.  He's fine with us, but wants to RUN when he sees unfamiliar people.  They say genetics play a role, too.  To keep skittish dogs from being skittish, kneel with your body turned to the side and invite the dog to approach you.

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