Did you see the story earlier this week about a woman with a TWO GALLON PER DAY Coca-Cola habit?  Wow! (Disclosure: I drink a somewhat alarming amount of Diet Coke.)

She lived in New Zealand and died last year of a heart attack.

The medical examiner is saying that her high cola consumption was part of the reason; she suffered from "hypokalemia" (low potassium levels), but also apparently smoked 30 cigarettes a day and eat crappy food.  She also had very high levels of caffeine in her blood, although they believe that was from other sources including coffee.

I've always believed you consume everything in moderation, whether its pop, fast food, caffeine, etc.  If you overdo one or any of those things it and pay a price, well, you made the choice.

True story: In my early 20's I had four jobs; I was on the radio, worked as an overnight janitor at a high school, worked in a music store and DJ'ed dances on the weekends.  I also managed to get in a workout at least 5 times a week.  To support this, I had a "Diet Fuel" habit; weight-loss capsules with ephedrine, caffeine and other stimulants.  One day I took 3 diet fuel capsules and drank a "Ripped Force" at the gym.  My heart was racing and I literally couldn't sit down.  In hindsight, that was a time where I certainly could've had a heart attack and died, but that would've been my own fault!

What about you?  Have you ever had a time where some stupid decision could've led to your death?  Was it dietary or food-related?



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