It's time to trade campfires for fireplaces in West Michigan, but that doesn't have to stop us from looking forward to next summer.
Learn how to volunteer and camp for free in Michigan in 2015.
It takes hundreds of volunteers for ArtPrize to be successful.
Volunteers are still needed to work directly for ArtPrize and to help at individual venues.
Anne Wepman has been volunteering at Michigan Blood for over 40 years.
Michigan Blood will celebrate Anne's commitment and her 100th birthday during "Anne Wepman Day" on January 27.
ArtPrize has begun and hundreds of volunteers are hard at work, but some venues still need more help.
Learn about some remaining volunteer opportunities at ArtPrize 2013.
ArtPrize 2013 begins September 18!
Event organizers and volunteers are working hard to prepare for the big event, but more volunteers are still needed.
The first Grand Rapids 'Movie in the Park' is Friday, August 2.
It's great to have another way to enjoy summer in Grand Rapids, but it's a lot of work to make it all happen.
'Movies in the Park' is looking for volunteers.
Springing ahead an hour was dreaded by many, but springing ahead a few months is another story.
Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts is just three months away, June 7 - 9.
Festival organizers are busy preparing and will host a volunteer open house March 13.
On December 15, volunteers gathered to honor and remember veterans in Grand Rapids.
Over 100 wreaths were laid on the graves of veterans in Grand Rapids.
After the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, it's easy to lose faith in the good of society.
But the terrible actions of one remain greatly outnumbered by the generosity of many.
Listen and follow online all week as we focus on the amazing people and events we are so lucky to have right here in West Michigan.
ArtPrize counts on the generosity of volunteers to be successful. Hundreds of volunteers have already signed up, but more are needed.
Volunteers fill many jobs, enjoy some perks, and have a lot of fun. The deadline to become a volunteer is Wednesday, September 12.