This may be a silly question, but what is your favorite Halloween candy? My answer just may be everything, but seriously, almost anything chocolate is my favorite.
Yes, Halloween is a spooky holiday and it's really fun to get all dressed up in a fancy costume, but the whole point of that is to get free candy from the neighbors. It's all about the candy loot.
Each year, millions of kids dress up an
Trying to figure out when trick-or-treating is happening in your area? We've found a comprehensive list that you can reference!
It seems that all communities here in West Michigan will be doing their trick-or-treating on Friday, Oct. 31 -- Halloween night.
The internet exploded this week with news that a Fargo woman was going to hand out letters instead of candy to kids she deemed as "moderately obese," but is it all just a hoax?
This year, some children in Fargo, North Dakota may get a bigger trick than treat when hitting the streets for trick-or-treating. That's because a woman in the city has decided to take a stand against childhood obesity, which on its face it's a noble effort. However, the method in which she is doing it is turning heads.
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Too cold? Check.
Too rainy? Maybe.
Now we have a back-up plan.
Check out a long list of indoor trick-or-treating locations
Halloween is a lot of fun with the kids. There's a lot to do!
We had our Boo Bash on October 27, there are school parties, plus Halloween night around the neighborhood. No shortage of opportunities to get some use out of those costumes.
How many times are your kids dressing up for Halloween this year?
Halloween is over, and it was fun. We went out with the kids, door to door, watching their excited, happy faces as they shouted 'trick or treat.'
When we got back home there was the ritual of checking all the goodies, seeing what you got. Then, it hits you.
Kids always look forward to trick-or-treating on Halloween, but a new study from the Centers for Disease and Prevention may give some parents pause.
The CDC reports children are four times more likely to be hit by cars on October 31 than on any other day of the year — probably not terribly surprising, given the increase in the number of kids who are out and about on Halloween.