Ultimate Snowy Escape: Michigan's Home to the Top DestinationUltimate Snowy Escape: Michigan's Home to the Top DestinationOne of Michigan’s snow-covered havens has been named the top spot for the ultimate snowy and cozy getaway in the United States.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
I Love Michigan: The Top 4 Reason Why Michigan Is Their Favorite StateI Love Michigan: The Top 4 Reason Why Michigan Is Their Favorite StateOne thing about Michiganders is you will stand beside your state. Here are the top four reasons why people love Michigan.Lisha BLisha B
This MI Town is Closer to 5 Other State Capitals Than to LansingThis MI Town is Closer to 5 Other State Capitals Than to LansingIt's weird to see that it's closer to drive to other state capitals than it is to the one you live in, but it's true. Also a great reminder on just how big the mitten state is. Rob SparksRob Sparks