East Grand Rapids Hosting Summer Concerts & Movies in the ParkEast Grand Rapids Hosting Summer Concerts & Movies in the ParkConcerts and movies are family-friendly and for all ages.ChristineChristine
28th Street Metro Cruise Returning this August28th Street Metro Cruise Returning this August2020 was the first year the Metro Cruise was cancelled in its 15-year history.ChristineChristine
Movies from the Mound is Back at the Ballpark this MonthMovies from the Mound is Back at the Ballpark this MonthLast year, over 5,000 people went to the ballpark to watch a movie on the centerfield screen.ChristineChristine
Getty Drive-In Opening for the Season on FridayGetty Drive-In Opening for the Season on FridayGet ready for nights under the stars!ChristineChristine
Muskegon Hosting First Ever ‘Pot Party’ this SummerMuskegon Hosting First Ever ‘Pot Party’ this SummerRSVP: yes!ChristineChristine
‘Sip & Savor’ the End of Summer this Friday at the Downtown Market‘Sip & Savor’ the End of Summer this Friday at the Downtown MarketHappy hour specials will make a nice end to the week and summer.ChristineChristine
Studio Park Hosting Weekly Outdoor Movie Series & ConcertsStudio Park Hosting Weekly Outdoor Movie Series & ConcertsAll this while having social-distant fun!ChristineChristine
East Grand Rapids Cancels 4th of July CelebrationEast Grand Rapids Cancels 4th of July CelebrationThis includes the fireworks show, the parade, and the 5K race.ChristineChristine
Festival of the Arts is Going Virtual in Grand RapidsFestival of the Arts is Going Virtual in Grand Rapids2020 marks the event's 50th year.ChristineChristine