With the latest blockbuster movie hitting the movie theaters this past weekend, Batman V Superman, times a wasting if you don't get some traction for a movie your producing.
It's a great tie-in to tease the Lego Batman Movie since everyone is in the mood. Even thought Lego Batman doesn't come out until next year. That right, I said next year, February 10, 2017 to be exact. The movie makers are thi
Netflix's 'Daredevil' is the 'Batman Begins' 'Arrow' wishes it could be, and exactly the bone-crunching street level drama Marvel needed to complete its cinematic superhero universe. Our early review, before all 13 episodes hit streaming on April 10!
Chris Rock: Comedian, actor, and now he can add director to his resume with 'Top Five,' a film that had plenty of people talking when it premiered at this year's film festival in Toronto. Paramount wasted no time picking the film up, and it seems like the studio is wasting very little time in getting Rock's very promising directorial debut out there as quickly as possible. Judging by the first trailer, featuring a cast of incredibly funny and talented folks, this is going to be delightful.
'Sin City 2' is bringing back many familiar faces from the first film and that includes Rosario Dawson, who stars in the first clip from the movie. Here, she uses her feminine ways to show a man what's inside of her trunk.