national anthem

Former Pistons Coach Says National Anthem Shouldn’t Be Played Before Games
Former Pistons Coach Says National Anthem Shouldn’t Be Played Before Games
Former Pistons Coach Says National Anthem Shouldn’t Be Played Before Games
Former Detroit Pistons Coach, Stan Van Gundy, has weighed in on the playing of the National Anthem before sporting events. Tweeting in response to a New York Times article about Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban instructing the team to stop playing the National Anthem before its home games, Van Gundy said, This should happen everywhere...
She “Wow’s” the Crowd at the Lincoln Memorial [Video]
She “Wow’s” the Crowd at the Lincoln Memorial [Video]
She “Wow’s” the Crowd at the Lincoln Memorial [Video]
By now, you have surly heard or seen the story from ABC News, of the woman who recently visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., and was coaxed into singing the Star Spangled Banner. In case you missed it, I thought it only appropriate to re-visit that moment on this 4th of July.
Did Jamie Foxx Butcher the National Anthem at the Mayweather/Pacquiao Fight? [Video]
Did Jamie Foxx Butcher the National Anthem at the Mayweather/Pacquiao Fight? [Video]
Did Jamie Foxx Butcher the National Anthem at the Mayweather/Pacquiao Fight? [Video]
The "fight of the century," or so it was called by some, is over. The Mayweather/Paaquiao fight was Saturday night, and Floyd Mayweather won by unanimous decision in 12 rounds. Did you see it? By all reports is was very under whelming. Many were disappointed at the lack of actual fighting. However, that wasn't the only topic of conversation.

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