By Laurenda Marie Bennett
It’s very likely I ate more watermelon making this watermelon bluerry mint salad than what actually ended up in it.
Plus, it's blueberry season in Michigan!
By Laurenda Marie Bennett
Pancake Sunday was a tradition in my family. I looked forward to those mornings when my mother poured her homemade buckwheat batter onto a warm griddle. Yummmm.
I haven’t met a pancake I didn’t like, but over the years I’ve come to find my favorite.
So, what are my favorite pancakes, you ask?
They are fluffy, chocolatey, whole wheat Almond Joy Pancakes, with plenty of ch
A school in Richmond, Virginia has recently started enforcing a new rule that has parents up in arms. Following instructions laid out by the federal government, children are not allowed to bring their own bagged lunch to school without a note from a physician.
Just about lunchtime...and what is on your menu today. Remember, we have a bunch of restaurants on Value Connection that feature savings of up to 30 percent. You have to eat so why not save a few bucks a long the way. We all have our favorite places...