
Grand Rapids Bars Where Day Drinking Turns into Night Drinking
Grand Rapids Bars Where Day Drinking Turns into Night Drinking
Grand Rapids Bars Where Day Drinking Turns into Night Drinking
We've all been there. You meet up with friends for lunch and maybe just a couple drinks or you agree to go for "just one drink" after work but before you know it, you look at the time and it's already 8 o'clock at night. WHAAT?! Where did the time go...
In El Salvador you can be Shot for Drunk Driving
In El Salvador you can be Shot for Drunk Driving
In El Salvador you can be Shot for Drunk Driving
Weird laws about drinking are a worldwide phenomenon, with international alcohol laws sometimes pretty far out there. Here in America, we have some truly strange regulations on the books as well. But, my favorite is El Salvador where there is actually a law on the books that says you can face a firing squad if charged with a DUI. Say what?

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