Daylight Saving Time: How to Survive Darkness in MichiganDaylight Saving Time: How to Survive Darkness in MichiganMichigan gears up to 'fall back' an hour - but beware of potential sleep disruptions and health risks. Get expert tips for a smoother transition.Scott ClowScott Clow
The Sad Truth: Here's When Summer Actually Ends in MichiganThe Sad Truth: Here's When Summer Actually Ends in MichiganWhen does summer actually end in Michigan? Do residents go by the calendar or by the weather?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Michigan Daylight Saving Time – Get Ready To Fall BackMichigan Daylight Saving Time – Get Ready To Fall BackDaylight saving time in Michigan.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Remember the Time: Michigan Used to Be Part of the Central Time ZoneRemember the Time: Michigan Used to Be Part of the Central Time ZoneMichigan was originally part of the Central Time Zone until Detroit decided to be in the same time zone as New York City in 1922. Lauren GordonLauren Gordon