Do you make sure your kids are buckled up when riding in the car? Sure you do when they're little and using car seats, but what about as they get older? Is it just too much trouble sometimes?
Buckling up is such an important habit to instill in children at a young age. Parents need to lead by example and reinforce the message to make sure it sticks. And, there is a new advertising campaign beginn
Yikes! This is one horrifying, powerful Public Service commercial.
As you'll see, they do things differently in Europe, and here,the British government wanted to draw a lot of attention to the dangers of speeding by releasing a public service announcement...
If there was any more proof that wearing a seat belt is a GOOD thing, check this video out.
A Russian dashboard camera, all cars in Russia come with dashboard cams, catches a car accident at the exact moment the driver is ejected through the windshield...
Tailgaters, don't you love them?
They follow so close that sometimes you can't see their headlights.
Dangerous? You bet.
Don't you always wish that just once they'd wreck their car because of it? Not get hurt, mind you; just hurt the car.
As I've said before, there are some wacky drivers in Russia. And, we know that because many cars have dash-cams, so all of this "wackiness" is captured for all of us to enjoy.