Bell's Brewery just announced a new addition to its great beer lineup. It's Arabicadabra! Say what? Arabicadabra! Say it slowly, Ar-a-bi-ca-dabra. Rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it. Actually, it's better tasted than pronounced because it's a coffee milk stout.
And, the accolades just keep piling up!
The World Food Travel Association (WFTA), the world’s leading authority on food and beverage tourism, has announced the winners of the 2017 FoodTrekking Awards for excellence in food and beverage tourism, and we are a winner!
In recent decades, breweries have sprung up all over America – in towns big and small – evolving the art and science of brewing while enhancing the city’s livability. With this in mind, has named Grand Rapids a Best Beer City, 2014.
Grand Rapids has been honored by people literally around the world as a true "Beer Destination." With Founders Brewery attracting folks from far and wide, Grand Rapids Brewing Co. opening, and other craft beer makers brewing some fabulous beers locally, Grand Rapids seemingly is the spot to be for beer lovers.
But, what about wine? I love a good glass of wine. Wine has been left behin