The bear was first seen at the Indian Trails Golf Course Saturday night and then re-emerged around 1:30 this morning in a tree in the 1600 block of Horton St SE.
UPDATE: When the DNR went to retrieve the animal, they discovered that it was a black dog, not a bear.
On the same day the DNR sent out notice that bears would be waking up and on the move in Michigan, it appears a bear has been hit and killed in Grand Rapids.
This isn't exactly how I'd like to start my day with a bear in my car.
Seems these folks started to get into their car and noticed there was already a passenger.....a bear. What do you do when you see a bear IN your car? Call the cops!
Last year, when we took our Alaskan Cruise and tour, we saw several bears, from a distance, mind you. But, the bears we saw didn't look like this one who created a traffic jam in Alaska as it sauntered down the road with a coffee can stuck on it's head.