A radio team in Australia is famous for their pranks on people. Ah, the fun days when we used to do fun pranks.
Anyway, they decided to create a Jurassic Park type of prank, but at their radio station, in their parking ramp.
We all buy prepackaged salad sometimes, right? And you check it out when you open the bag, right? You rinse it, toss it, making sure it's okay, right? Not always. But it's a good thing this lady looked at the bag carefully before she opened it.
This is a very beautiful and cool video. A guy flying his expensive camera drone over the Australian shoreline while shooting video, had to rush into action to save his prized possession from a devastating splash-landing after its battery died. Check this out.
Well this is awesome. This little goat's name is Frosty (The Snow Goat), and he's being cared for by the folks at Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia.
When Frosty came to the sanctuary, he was suffering from a debilitating disease and was full of infection. Because of that, his back legs didn't work, so they got him his own tiny goat wheelchair.
I can't wait for Anchorman 2 to hit the theaters. Being in the business, I really related...too funny! So, hopefully, number 2 is equally so.
The film has already been released in Australia, and much to the surprise of the audience, the stars of Anchorman 2 showed up at the movie's premiere in Sydney...