Anila Quayyum Agha's entry into ArtPrize 2014 titled "Intersections" may be the most popular entry in ArtPrize history.
"Intersections" was both the Public Vote and Juried Award winner at ArtPrize 2014 earning Agha a total of $300,000.
Agha is set to return to ArtPrize this year.
Anila Quayyum Agha’s "Intersections" won the Public Vote and was co-winner of the Juried Grand Prize at ArtPrize 2014.
The popular entry is heading to the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass., just north of Boston. "Intersections" was also recently featured by National Geographic.
Anila Quayyum Agha’s “Intersections” won the Public Vote and the Juried Award at ArtPrize 2014.
The popular entry has been installed at The HUB for the duration of ArtPrize Seven.
Stop and enjoy Anila Quayyum Agha's "Intersections" at GRAM and you may notice an audible gasp as visitors turn the corner and enter the large room that holds the piece.
"Intersections" is getting strong reactions at ArtPrize.