I can't resist sharing this with you today. It's Saturday, and you need a "feel good" story. So, let me take you to the Oregon Zoo.
Animals playing in the snow just may be the only thing you need to watch today!
Ahh, the beauty of a wedding. You've it planned for months, and the big day has finally arrived. The ceremony is beautiful and going just fine. Everyone is there, family, friends, and loved ones. You begin to exchange your vows during this wonderful moment, when someone notices that someone is missing. Why, it's that sweet, little flower girl. Now I wonder where she went?
This video is so sweet. Little kids are sweet anyway, but this little toddler is great. All he wants to do is eat his bowl of mac and cheese. But he can't find his fork. He looks everywhere, but it's gone missing. Can someone please give him a "hand?"
If this Tuesday is a tough day for you, then watching this video is the perfect medicine.
This little girl laughs at her dad every time he tries to tell her what snow is and where it comes from. Daddy's funny!