The bill to make Manoomin the State Grain of Michigan has passed the Senate. Now it just needs approved by the House of Representatives, and signed by the Governor.
Have you heard the theory that you'll see a cow everyday? Besides in person, the theory includes watching television, reading magazines, or packaging on food products. So, if you add all of those things together, then, yes, you have probably seen a cow today. And, every day. So, have you seen your cow today?
There are more than 50,000 farms in Michigan and they average 195 acres each. It's no surprise that you'll see a tractor or an implement of husbandry driving down a road in Michigan. Is it legal to drive a tractor on the roads?
It would be one thing if the trees in Michigan were raining down investments, as in Acorn Investments, but they are actually pouring down acorns...the nut. Michigan trees are bestowing a lot of their seeds this year, more than usual, and this is why...
To the song "Lazy Sunday", Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was picking apples at an orchard. It was her effort to acknowledge Michigan's agriculture business.