We'd all like to think where we live is a "smart" place, right? Or at least reasonably intelligent?

Sad truth is - that can't be reality for all of us.

SEE ALSO: Top 9 Michigan Cities If You're Single and Ready to Mingle

Some of us simply live in "dumb cities".

How the Dumbest Cities in Michigan Were Determined

Like it does every year, RoadSnacks.net compared attained education levels of every Michigan city with 5,000 or more people.

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Among residents 25 or older, RoadSnacks took the percentage of high school dropouts in each city, and compared it with that city's percentage of residents with a college degree. (Flimsy science at best, we know.)

After all the data was tabulated, some shocking results emerged.

Photos via Canva
Photos via Canva

Many (but not all) of the cities considered to be among Michigan's dumbest are Detroit suburbs. Saginaw and Flint made the list, as did several other Lower Peninsula towns. No cities in Northern Michigan were found to be among Michigan's dumbest cities for 2024.

Last time we covered this, we ruffled some feathers. Here's an excerpt from one of the messages we got:

(High school students) have to write a book report and a lot of times they're writing reports on their homes. So if they'd Google themselves and then they found this pseudo... I can't call (it) an article because it wasn't journalism. ... I would love to understand the motivation that adults would put together to insult children and make their life more difficult.

This fellow's town fell off the list of "Michigan's 25 Dumbest Cities" this year, so maybe he won't be so upset this time.

So, Which City Is the Dumbest City in All of Michigan?

If you're wondering which city has been crowned the "Dumbest City in Michigan" for 2024, take a look below. These are the top - or should we say, bottom - 25. (And again, we're just passing along the info. If you're offended, take it up with RoadSnacks.

The 25 Dumbest Cities in Michigan for 2024

Comparing college graduate and high school dropout rates for every Michigan city with a population of at least 5,000 people, RoadSnacks says these are the 25 dumbest cities in Michigan for 2024.

Gallery Credit: JR

The 22 Towns With the Lowest-Rated Schools in Michigan

In no particular order, these 22 Michigan towns have the lowest-rated public schools in the state, according to Niche.

Gallery Credit: JR