Spirits of Past Patients Haunt this Former Hospital: Allegan, Michigan
The former Elks Club - rumored to be haunted – was once the John Robinson Hospital (which helped peak my curiosity about the place). It was built in 1909 in Allegan and you have probably heard your fill of places that Al Capone frequented in Michigan, right? Well this is another one. Ol’ Al reportedly came to the hospital for ailments, and who knows? Maybe a bullet wound or two. Then again, it was also used as a psychiatric ward, and the possibility of Capone visiting for some counseling therapy wouldn’t be too unbelievable.
The building was also used as a tuberculosis treatment hospital until it closed in 1948. Standing vacant for a number of years, it was eventually purchased by the Elks club in 1961. It was re-purchased in 2010 by Shelia Deever, who scheduled paranormal investigations in order to raise money to fix up the place.
The Hauntings
So why would paranormal investigators be interested in this place? Over the years, legends about restless spirits (more than likely of past patients) who walk the halls permeated throughout the area. Employees and visitors confirm many of the experiences: kitchen cabinets opening & closing by themselves, children laughing can be heard coming from nowhere, ghostly images caught in photographs, moving shadows in the former basement morgue, disembodied voices, knocks on the front door and the doorbell ringing on its own, footsteps, children apparitions, and more.

Investigators claim they have even been slapped and pinched by something unseen. The building is now referred to as Robinson Manor and/or the Allegan Lodge. You'll find it located at 701 Marshall St. Allegan.
Haunted John Robinson Hospital, Allegan