Abandoned House Somewhere in the Michigan Woods, Up for Auction
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
To protect this empty, deserted piece of property back in the Michigan woods, the exact location is purposely eliminated – to discourage any trespassers and would-be vandals.
This interesting former homestead sits on twenty acres back in a thick forest. It’s mainly a double-wide (mobile home) with a two-door garage, a destroyed cottage out back, a well, and a curious foundation or two back in the woods.

This has obviously been abandoned back in the woods for many years, as a driveway cannot be seen – all overgrown and covered up by brush, weeds, leaves, and trees. Upon venturing back into the rear acres of the property, there’s the frame of a portable TV set, a well with a non-working pump, a couple of deer blinds, some dilapidated chicken or pigeon coops, an old overgrown walking trail, and very little trash, except for a spot way back in, where it looks like they dumped some larger items.
The inside of the double-wide is totally what you would not expect: no vandalism, no graffiti, no garbage strewn all over the places, and much of it left intact.
The cottage out back is another story entirely. The back end looks like there was a major fire and more than half the wall looks like it’s been blown out. Not a place to venture into, even though it’s incredibly small.
The garage is no big deal – mostly empty with leaves covering the entire floor.
The property is/was up for auction – whoever buys it, or maybe even the current owner, will just decide to scrap and level the whole thing. Who knows? But it is kinda creepy, especially if you happen to come across this scenario when it’s dark.
Check out the photos in the gallery below...
Abandoned Home in the Woods
Abandoned Cat Lady House, Ohio
Abandoned 'Adults-Only' Club, Eastern Michigan
Abandoned Unknown Mine, Upper Peninsula