Pretend like it's a Friday night in 2004.

Seriously, what year is it? I thought after the final Family Video store in Michigan closed that would be curtains for the video rental business. I guess I was wrong!

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At its peak in 2004 video rental giant Blockbuster operated over 9,000 stores and employed 84,300 people worldwide; today there is only one remaining Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon.

Even streamers like Netflix have officially done away with their mail-order service and poor Redbox kiosks across the country remain empty and battered after the company ceased operations in 2024. What a time to be alive.

Thankfully, us Millennials and Gen Xers can live out our glory days at Michigan's only remaining video rental store! I seriously had no idea this was still a thing but I'm so glad it is. Keep scrolling for a dose of full-on nostalgia:

The located in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn Heights, Michigan the owners of the family-run business Video Exclusive have created a Tiktok account (@Occult83)  in the nick of time!

Kids these days don't know the joy and excitement of going to your local video rental store on a Friday night to hand select your weekend viewing lineup. My hometown video store in Allegan, MI was Movies and More! and I can still remember the scent of freshly popped popcorn and hear the hum of the fluorescent overhead lights.

Just watching the owner's videos sends all those scents and memories rushing back. They even have the "adults only" section complete with inconspicuous curtain to deter minors from getting a glimpse.

Just remember to "Be Kind and Rewind."

13 Movies That Filmed in Michigan

It's pretty common knowledge that 8 Mile was filmed in Michigan. But did you know that Movies like Batman v Superman were also filmed here? Check out this list of 13 movies that were filmed (at least in part) in the Mitten State.

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