There's nothing more Pure Michigan, than owning a lighthouse. (Well, maybe minus living on some lakefront property, but this should work just the same.)

The lighthouse is a bit of a fixer-upper, but don't let that turn you off.

Own and live in this Northern Michigan Lighthouse


While you may need to put some money to the side to do some renovations. But that could be the price to pay to possibly Airbnb the property!? Imagine the money you would get back by putting this out there into the world.

Read More: Madonna’s Family Vineyard and Winery is For Sale in Northern Michigan

Nestled in Alpena, this is the perfect little getaway spot for a newlywed couple, or even just a small family making their way through Northern Michigan.

Regardless, take a look inside, and fall in love with this quaint Michigan property.

WOW! Own & Make This Northern Michigan Lighthouse Your Home

It may not be your dream home, however, it is definitely a Michigan thing. See it, here.

Is this a property here in Michigan you'd spend the money on? How about rent out and Airbnb? I still think there is a good possibility whatever cash you pour into the home, you could make back by doing something like an Airbnb.

Read More: Northern Michigan A-Frame Cabin Makes a Great Airbnb Destination

If you have the budget for the lighthouse, I applaud you, as this is a look-don't-touch kind of deal for me.

However, for those who could afford it, the lighthouse on Zillow is for sale for $3,900,000. That's more than I've made my entire life... Definitely would need a career change to think about moving here. 

Take A Look In This Northern Michigan Home Near The Water

Enjoy the pleasures of Traverse City, Michigan, and Northern Michigan living with this home.

Take A Look Inside The Most Expensive Home In The Okemos Area

This is the most expensive home, currently in the market in the Okemos area. This is a 5 bedroom 7 bathroom home, currently listed on the market for $1,598,000.

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