Litter-ally the Best Valentine’s Day Fundraiser in West Michigan
Got a crappy ex?
A local humane society is holding the purrrrfect Anti-Valentine's Day fundraiser for you!
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Love might be in the air for some people... but not everyone. Maybe you've got an ex who did you dirty. Well some West Michigan cats are ready to dirty up some litter boxes in their honor!
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The Humane Society of West Michigan's Anti-Valentine's Day fundraiser is going on now.
In a post to Facebook, they shared:
Is all the love in the air messing with your allergies? Do you have a past lover that did you wrong? You can participate in HSWM's Anti-Valentine's Day fundraiser where we will write your enemy's name on the bottom of a litterbox where our cats will do what they do best! Let that piece of -poop emoji - know how little they mean to you by giving them a natural gift from our feline friends! - Humane Society of West Michigan
For $10 they'll write your ex's name on the bottom of a little box and send you a photo. The cats will then take care of business.
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Don't have an awful ex? No worries! Send in the name of whoever's wronged you - maybe an annoying co-worker, terrible neighbor, or former friend.
But wait - there's more!
For $20, not only will your enemy's name get poo-ed on, they'll email you a cute, exclusive video of the kitties. (Don't worry, they say no messy footage!)
You have through February 16 to "make your ex's name the canvas for the crappiest masterpiece by your favorite shelter cat!"
Buy your ticket here!
Is it a little "catty"? Sure! But it's a fun way to let off steam, be a bit petty, and you're supporting a great cause. Proceeds go to supporting Humane Society of West Michigan's rescue mission and helping animals who could use a little extra love this Valentine's Day.
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Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill