Pornhub’s 2024 Stats Show What Michigan’s Really Into
Oh man, it's that time of year again when America's top pornography site, Pornhub, reveals the world's deepest and dirtiest interests. 2024 was a rollercoaster of a year, but at least everyone can come together cough to laugh at some tables and graphs once a year.
Every year, Pornhub releases its yearly insights, detailing top searches, and categories, and providing insights on what was popular in each state. Michigan porn viewers have changed their tastes from last year. Click links carefully, my friends.
America's Peculiar Interests
According to Pornhub, there was quite a shakeup in what Americans were into this year, with the top searched terms and categories seeing new #1's. Michigan's top search term was "amateur wife", a change from last year's top term of "bondage". This is a far less questionable kink than Wisconsin's "pee" and Ohio's "cuckold", so nicely done Michigan. What is "amateur wife", you ask?
Well, "amateur" porn is independent creators making their own pornography "at home" vs being part of a pornography business. Amateur porn saw a massive rise in popularity on the site this year. So, use your head (the one with your brain in it) and figure it out.
READ MORE: Is Michigan’s Largest Porn Site Being Banned? |
Americans spent an average of 10 minutes and 37 seconds on the site per visit, an increase of 46 seconds from 2023. Michigan is among the most active users on the website, spending an average of 10 minutes and 33 seconds. The site had its most traffic at 10 pm on August 27th, so if you were on the site then...apparently you weren't alone.
America's most viewed category was "ebony". The analysis has more in-depth statistics you can view here because it is oddly intriguing to read about.