Is there something in your life you regret? Something you did, haven't done, should have done?

It's easy for all of us to look back and say, "if only I had....."  I like to work in the present and future, and try to not dwell on the past. But, I found a new survey that asked people what they regretted the most in their life. Interesting question, and not easily answered. What would you say?

Elite Daily had the story of British Airways doing the survey, that focused on baby boomers. They found that approximately 20 percent of ‘baby boomers’ said ‘not traveling enough’ was their biggest regret in life. Hmmm....

‘Working too much’ was another major regret, with 17 percent of male respondents and eight percent of female respondents saying it was their biggest.

Further findings show that losing touch with friends was the biggest regret among more than a quarter of respondents.

So, this may say in summary, travel far, travel often and keep your friends close. In the end, these are the most important things in life.

What about you?

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