The other day, I was scanning a broadcast website, All Access, reading about our crazy broadcast business, and ran across an article by Doug Erickson. He wrote about being successful. More specifically, traits that successful people have in common, or, should have.


As I read along, I realized that this 'top-10 list' was spot on to what I believe makes a truly successful person. Doug actually said the same thing, and noted that this list didn't come from him, but from a blogger, Greg Hoy.

I wanted to share the list with you, since I, too, believe that success is so much more than simply money, houses, cars, jobs, etc.

Top-10 Traits of Successful People:

They are humble.
They are deeply appreciative of what they have, a quality of gratitude which always seems to lead to more.
They are universally respectful, not just to those above, but to the lowliest on their company's food chain.
They are not consumed by their work.
They sacrifice for the benefit of others. (When did you last see this in radio?)
They are patient and tolerant.
They jump in when needed, without strings attached, regardless of who gets credit or bonuses.
They resolve conflict directly and honestly.
They respectfully push back when necessary. It's easy to push back, but doing so with respect requires skill.
They trust their colleagues.

Right on, Greg! And, thanks Doug for writing the article.

Now, what about you? How's that "success" thing coming?


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