How exactly did preschoolers set a world record? Through vocabulary.

More specifically, they did it by learning the words "magnificent," "patience," "stripes" and "wilderness" through the story "Mr Tiger Goes Wild."

Preschoolers from Grand Rapids Public Schools, Ellington Academy and the David D. Hunting YMCA Child Development Center attempted a Guinness World Record in an effort to show the importance of vocabulary on Thursday

They’re taking part in the Grow Up Great initiative hosted by PNC.

With Guinness officials watching at five of the sites, including here, they counted 1,031 kids total. That was enough for Guinness to count it as first-time record for the largest vocabulary lesson ever.

Yeah, that's a pretty obscure record and not one that competitors have struggled for, like records for the 100-yard dash or deepest dive.

Officials confirmed shortly after that the students did help set that world record. This was the first year for the attempt.

One of the first indicators of a child’s future success is the number of words he or she hears prior to kindergarten. A landmark study found that an at-risk child hears 30 million fewer words by age four than a child from a more well-to-do household.

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